Latest news from R-LiNK

Dear All,
Please take the time to find the latest news and updates of our R-LiNK project at the beginning of 2021.
Latest news from R-LiNK

Dear All,
Please take the time to find the latest news and updates of our R-LiNK project at the beginning of an exciting year in 2021.
Latest news from R-LiNK

Dear All,
Please take the time to find the latest news and updates of our R-LiNK project.
Latest news from R-LiNK

Dear All,
Please take the time to find the latest news and updates of our R-LiNK project at the end of an exciting year in 2019. The recruitment of the first patients is imminent.
Inclusion of R-Link’s first patient

We are proud to announce that we have included our first patient on the 10th January 2020 in Dresden, Germany.
Latest news from R-LiNK

R-Link is a multinational study funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme. R-Link involves eight European countries including France, United Kingdom, Denmark, Spain, Norway, Sweden, Germany and Italy.
R-LiNK at RCPsych IC 2019

The International Congress of the Royal College of Psychiatrists is one of the major meetings in the UK (attracting up to 3500 delegates) and this year, R-LiNK was well represented.
R-LiNK 1st Annual meeting
R-Link partners met in Gothenburg for the 1st Annual meeting. It was the opportunity to review the progress of the project and discuss the next steps, in presence of members of the External Advisory Board and the project Officer from the European Commission. Prior to the consortium meeting, a workshop on clinical trial training was organize to prepare the clinicians and other relevant staff to the recruitment of patients for this project.
R-LiNK Kick-off meeting

This project has received funding from The European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme Under Grant Agreement N° 754907
Prof. Frank Bellivier, MD, PhD
Department of Psychiatry and Addiction Medicine - Expert Centres Paris Diderot University
Hôpital Fernand Widal 200, rue du Faubourg Saint-Denis 75475 Paris Cedex10. France
Tel Office: +33 1 40 05 42 25 / Tel Assistant: +33 1 40 05 48 69