Inclusion of R-Link’s first patient

Within R-LiNK it is planned to recruit a total of 300 patients within 15 centres. We are convinced that our research will set a milestone in lithium treatment and we will gain great new knowledge from our research. Our goal is to find new ways in lithium treatment, incorporating new methods and approaches.
With our research, we aim to help reduce hospitalization for bipolar patients, reduce morbidity and mortality. In this context, we want to increase the quality of life and social participation.
Michael Bauer

This project has received funding from The European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme Under Grant Agreement N° 754907
Prof. Frank Bellivier, MD, PhD
Department of Psychiatry and Addiction Medicine - Expert Centres Paris Diderot University
Hôpital Fernand Widal 200, rue du Faubourg Saint-Denis 75475 Paris Cedex10. France
Tel Office: +33 1 40 05 42 25 / Tel Assistant: +33 1 40 05 48 69